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Automotive battery removal and installation steps

Source:The unknownThe unknownTime:2020-02-05

Automobile battery disassembly:
  (1)First, switch on the ignition and read the fault code from the diagnostic system.
  (2)Put the ignition switch in the "OFF" position to cut OFF the power supply;
  (3)Unscrew the joint bolt of the lap iron cable on the negative pole column and remove the lap iron cable joint, then unscrew the cable joint bolt on the positive pole column and remove the cable joint;
  (4)Remove the car battery fixing frame:
Automobile battery installation:
  (1)Check whether the battery power and voltage are suitable for the car;
  (2)Daub a layer of vaseline or grease on positive and negative pole piles and their cable joints to prevent oxidative corrosion of pole piles and joints;
  (3)Connect the positive and negative cable joints (note, connect the cable joints on the positive pole pile first, and then connect the lap cable joints on the negative pole pile; Cables should not be overstretched) :
  (4)Install the press plate and tighten the battery holder.
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