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Lead-acid batteries improve their service life through clean

Source:The unknownThe unknownTime:2020-02-05

  Now maintenance-free battery range has been very common, nursing should pay attention to the following points:

  (1)Keep the external battery clean and dry, positive and negative pole pile and cable connector in good contact.

  If the battery is not cleaned in time, it is easy to affect the battery life and electrification effect. Simply put, a battery is an electrochemical device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. Oxidation reactions are easy to occur between the pole column and the collet. Pay attention to check whether the pole column and the collet are connected tightly, whether there is any corrosion or burning damage, but also check whether the vent hole is blocked, whether the electrolyte is reduced, or even serious can rot the metal parts at the head of the collet.

  (2)Most maintenance-free batteries have a charge indicator on the cover, which is green, black and yellow to indicate the charge level of the battery. Black light indicates insufficient power storage, the battery should be removed from the car for supplementary charging; The yellow light indicates that the electrolyte level is too low. The battery shell should be checked for cracks or damages, and the electrolyte is leaking.

  (3)Maintenance-free battery, now most cars have begun to use, this battery in use do not need to add distilled water, terminal will not corrode, self-discharge less, long life. But if you do not check in time, the battery to the scrap period is not clear, will affect the normal work of the car.

  (4)When installing the car with iron to the negative pole should first connect the positive pole to connect the column, and then connect the negative pole to connect the column, and disassemble the method is the opposite of the above.

  (5)In winter, the electrolyte density is measured to determine the charging state. If it is not convenient to measure the density, the load voltage can be measured to determine the charging state.

  (6)When charging, the positive pole of the charger is connected with the positive pole of the battery.


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