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Types of lead-acid batteries

Source:The unknownThe unknownTime:2020-02-05

There are several classifications for lead-acid batteries:
 ?。?)According to the battery plate structure classification: formed type, paste type and tube type battery;
 ?。?)According to the battery cover and structure classification: open type, exhaust type, acid proof flameproof type and sealed valve controlled type battery;
 ?。?)According to the battery maintenance classification: ordinary type, less maintenance type, no maintenance type battery.
 ?。?)According to China's relevant standards, the main battery series products are:
      Starting battery: mainly used for starting and lighting of automobiles, tractors, diesel engines and ships;
      Fixed battery: mainly used in communications, power plants, computer systems as protection, automatic control backup power supply;
      Traction battery: mainly used for various battery cars, forklifts, forklifts and other power supply;
      Railway battery: mainly used for locomotive, electric locomotive, passenger car starting, lighting power;
      Motorcycle battery: mainly used for various specifications of motorcycle starting and lighting;
      Coal mine battery: mainly used for electric locomotive traction power supply;
      Storage battery for energy storage: mainly used for wind and hydraulic power generation.
prev: none next: Lead-acid batteries improve their service life through clean